North Country Wills. Surtees Society. Durham. England. L., 1908. Vol. 156. P. 246; Stone L. The Family… P. 595–596, 600–604; Letters and Journal of Lady Mary Coke. Edinburgh, 1889. Vol. 1, 19–21, 33–35, 59–66, 123, 126; Cavalier: Letters of William Blundell to his Friends. L., 1933. P. 85; Earl of Bessborough. Lady Bessborough and her Family Circle. L., 1940. P. 138; Hair P. Before the Bawdy Court. N. Y., 1972. P. 153–154; Pinchbeck I., Hewitt M. Children in English Society. L., 1959. Vol. 1. P. 16; Wharton E. B. The Whartons of Wharton Hall. Oxford, 1898. P. 40.

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