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Benet’s Reader’s Encyclopedia, Harper & Row 1987

Bolen, Jean Shinoda, M. D., Goddesses in Everywoman, Harper & Row 1985

Bolen, Jean Shinoda, M. D., Gods in Everyman, Harper & Row 1989

Bulfinch, Thomas, Myths of Greece and Rome, Penguin Books 1981

Campbell, Joseph (with Bill Moyers), The Power of Myth, Doubleday 1988

Campbell, Joseph, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Bollingen Series/ Princeton University Press 1973

Davidson, H. R. Ellis, Gods and Myths of Northern Europe, Penguin Books 1984

Graves, Robert, The Greek Myths, Penguin Books 1979

Halliwell, Leslie, Filmgoer’s Companion, 8th Edition, Charles Scribners Sons 1983

Homer, The Odyssey, transl. by E. V. Rieu, Penguin Books 1960

Johnson, Robert A., He: Understanding Masculine Psychology, Harper & Row 1977

Johnson, Robert A., She: Understanding Feminine Psychology, Harper & Row 1977

Johnson, Robert A., We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love, Harper & Row 1983

Knight, Arthur, The Liveliest Art, New American Library 1957

Lattimore, Richmond, The Iliad of Homer, University of Chicago Press 1967

Leeming, David, Mythology, Newsweek Books 1976

Levinson, Daniel J., The Seasons of a Man’s Life, Ballantine Books 1978

Luthi, Max, The Fairytale as Art Form and Portrait of Man,

Indiana University Press 1987

Mast, Gerald, A Short History of the Movies, Bobbs-Merrill 1979

Murdock, Maureen, The Heroine’s Journey: Woman’s Quest for Wholeness, Shambala 1990

Pearson, Carol S., Awakening the Heroes Within, Harper San Francisco 1991

Propp, Vladimir, Morphology of the Folktale, University of Texas Press 1979

Wheelwright, Philip, Aristotle, The Odyssey Press 1955