Глава 18 Гора Афон

Эпиграф к главе: Typikon of Athanasios (973–975), tr. George Dennis, para. 38, Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents (Washington DC, 2000). no. 13. P. 260.

Anthony Bryer and Mary Cunningham, eds. Mount Athos and Byzantine Monasticism (Aldershot, 1996).

Carolyne N. Connor and W. Robert Connor, trs., The Life and Miracles of St Luke (Brookline, Mass., 1994).

Norman Russel, The Doctrine of Deification in the Greek Patristic Tradition (Oxford, 2006).

Alice – Mary Talbot, ed. Hole Women of Byzantium: Ten Saint Lives in English Translation (Washington DC, 1996).

A. A. Karakatsanis, ed., Treasures of Mount Athos (2nd edition; Thessalonike, 1997): каталог выставки с прекрасными очерками, фотографиями монастырей на Святой горе и их коллекций произведений искусства.