Глава 4 Греческая ортодоксия

Эпиграф к главе: St Maximos Confessor, Mystagogia, quoted by Patriarchos Germanos in his Commentary on the Divine Liturgy, tr. Paul Meyendorff (Crestwood, New York, 1984). P. 93.

Eusebius of Caesarea, A History of the Church from Christ to Constantine, tr. G. A. Williamson (rev. edn; London, 1989) on Blandina, see Book 5.i. P. 47–61, 144–148.

Peter Brown, The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity AD 200–1000 (2nd edn; Oxford, 2003).

William Dalrymple, From the Holy Mountain: A Journey in the Shadow of Byzantium (London, 1997).

Helen C. Evans and Bruce White, St Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai, Egypt: A Photographic Essay (New York, 2004).

Evangelos Chrysos, “1054: Schism?” in Cristianit? d’Occidente e Cristianit? d’Oriente (secoli VI–XI), 2 vols. (Spoleto, 2004). Vol. 1. P. 547–567.