Книги и иные публикации

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Collins, Robert. Marked for Life: Songbun (2012)

Cumings, Bruce. Korea’s Place in the Sun (2005)

Haggard, Stephan & Noland, Marcus. Famine in North Korea (2009)

Jang, Jin-sung. Dear Leader (2014)

Kang, Hyok. This is Paradise! (2007)

Kretchun, Nat & Jane Kim. “A Quiet Opening: North Koreans in a Changing Media Environment,” InterMedia (2012)

Lankov, Andrei. North of the DMZ (2007)

Martin, Bradley K. Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader (2004)

McEachern, Patrick. Inside the Red Box: North Korea’s Post-totalitarian Politics (2011)

Myers, B. R. The Cleanest Race (2011)