Глава 25 Башни Трабзона, Арты, Никеи и Фессалоник

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Эпиграф к главе: John Geometres, tr. Henry Maguire, “The beauty of castles: a tenth century description of a tower at Constantinople”, Deltion tes Christianikes Archaiologikes Etaireias 17 (1993–1994). P. 21–24.

A. Laiou, ed., Urbs Capta: The Fourth Crusade and its Consequences (Paris, 2005).

Rose Macauley, Rose Macauley, The Towers of Trebisond (London, 1956).

N. Oikomides, “The Chancery of the Grand Komnenoi: Imperial Tradition and Political Reality”, Archeion Pontou 35 (1979). P. 321–323.

J. O. Rosenqvist, ed. and tr., Hagiographic Dossier of St Rugenios of Trebizond in Codex Athous Dionysiou 154 (Uppsala, 1996).

A. A. M. Bryer, The Empire of Trebizond and Pontos (London, 1988).

О византийском влиянии на Балканах см. S. ?ur?i?, “Religious Settings of the Late Byzantium Sphere”, in Helen C. Evans, ed., Byzantium: Faith and Power 1261–1557 (New Haven, 2004). P. 65–67.

Michael Angold, A Byzantine Government and Society under the Laskarids of Nicaea, 1204–1264 (London, 1974).

Michael Angold, Church and Society in Byzantium under the Comneni: 1081–1261 (Cambridge, 1995).

Donald M. Nicol, The Despotate of Epiros (Oxford, 1957).

Harold E. Lurier, tr., Crusaders as Conquerors: The Chronicle of Morea (London, 1964).