Глава 2 Константинополь – крупнейший город христианского мира

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Эпиграф к главе: Niketas Choniates, O City of Constantinople, Annales of Niketas Choniates, tr. H.Magoulias. Detroit, 1984. P. 325.

John F. Matthews, Laying down the Law: A Study of the Theodosian Code (New Haven/London, 2000).

Cyril Mango and Gilbert Dagron, eds., Constantinople and its Hinterland (Aldershot, 1995).

Sarah Guberti Bassett, The Urban Image of Late Antique Constantinople (Cambridge, 2004).

Cyril Mango, “Constantinople as Theotokoupolis” in Maria Vassilaki, ed., Mother of God: Representations of the Virgin in Byzantine Art (Milan, 2000). P. 209–218.

Philip Mansel, Constantinople: City of the World’s Desire, 1453–1924 (London, 1997).