Глава 5 Церковь Святой Софии

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Эпиграф к главе: Procopius, The Buildings, tr. H. B. Dewing and Glanville Downey (Cambridge, Mass., 1940). P. 21.

О строительстве церкви Св. Софии см. Mango, The Art of Byzantine Empire. P. 78–102.

Averil Cameron, Procopius and the Sixth Century (London, 1985).

Anna Muthesius, “Silken diplomathy”, in Jonathan Shepard and Simon Franklin, eds., Byzantine Diplomacy (Aldershot, 1992). P. 237–248.

Glen Bowersock, Mosaics as History (Cambridge, Mass., 2006).

Eunice Dautermann Maguire and Henry Maguire, Other Icons: Art and Power in Byzantine Secular Culture (Princeton, 2007).