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1. N. I. Berrill, Vie sexuelle des animaux et desplantes. French translation of Sex and the Nature of Things (Paris 1954), p. 254.

2. N. Tinbergen, The Origin and Evolution of Courtship and Threat Display in Evolution as a Process, edited by Julian Huxley, A. C. Hardy and E. B. Ford (London 1954), pp. 235ff.

3. E. Piette, ‘La station de Brassempouy et les statuettes humaines de la periode glyptique’, L’Anthropologie, VI (1895).

4. J. Szombathy, ‘Die Aurignacschichten im Loss vonWillendorf’. Korrespon — denzblatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, Ethnographie und Vorgeschichte. XlJahrgang, No. 9/12 Sept. — Dee. 1909.

5. Marcellin Boule et Henry V. Vallois,Les Hommesfossiles (4th ed., Paris 1952), pp. 337–338.

6. Salomon Reinach, ‘L’art et la magie’, L’Anthropologie (1903).

7. J. G. Frazer, The Golden Bough (London 1923–1927).

8. C. F. C. Hawkes, The Prehistoric Foundation of Europe to the Mycenean Age (London 1940), p. 39.

9. George Goury, Origine et Evolution de VHomme, Vol. I, ?poque Paleolithique (2nd ed., Paris 1948), p. 277.

10. I. F. Lafitau, Mceurs des sauvages americains, comparees avec les mceurs des premiers temps (1724).

11. L. H. Morgan, The League of the Iroquois (Rochester 1851).

12. L. H. Morgan, Ancient Society (1877; 2nd ed., Chicago 1910).

13. Friedrich Engels, Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigentums und des Staates (Zurich 1884).

14. August Bebel, Die Frau in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft (Zurich 1883). Die Frau und der Sozialismus (25th ed., Stuttgart 1895).

15. E. A. Westermarck, History of Human Marriage (London 1891), pp. 61ff.

16. Georgene H. Seward, Sex and the Social Order (Penguin Books, 1954), p. 80.

17. B. Malinowski, ‘Kinship’, Man (London 1930), p. 21.

18. Histoire generate des Civilisations, ed. Maurice Crouzet, Vol. 1, Andre Aymard and Jeannine Auboyer, L’Orient et la Grice antique (Paris 1953), p. 581.

19. A. Moret, Le Nil et la Civilisation Egyptienne (Paris 1926), p. 329.

20. W. M. Flinders Petrie, Social Life in Ancient Egypt (London 1923), p. 319.

21. Adolf Erman, Die Literatur der Aegypter (Leipzig 1923), pp. 303fF.

22. L. Delaporte, La Mesopotamie. Les Civilisations babylonienne et assyrienne (Paris 1925), p. 95.

23. Herodotus, Histories, I, 199.

24. I. Plessis, Etude sur les textes concernant Ishtar — Astarte (Paris 1921), p. 250.

25. A. Parrot, La tour de Babel (Neuchatel 1953).

26. Sir Frederick Kenyon, The Bible and Archaeology (London 1940), pp. I22ff.

27. Genesis 38: 8 — 10.

28. Leviticus 18 and 20.

29. Adolphe Lods, Israel des origines au milieu du VIII siecle (Paris 1932), p. 227.

30. Time (New York, 5 April 1954), p. 96.

31. Atharva Veda, 18, 3, 1.

32. R. W. Frazer, ‘Sati’ in Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (London 1920), Vol. XI, p. 207.

33. P. Masson — Oursel, H. de Willman — Grabowska,Philipp Stem, Vlnde antique et la civilisation indienne (Paris 1933), p. 84. Edward Thompson, Suttee (London 1928).

34. C. R. Majumdar, H. C. Raychandhuri, Kalinkar Datta, An Advanced History of India, Part I: Ancient India (London 1949), p. 197.

35. M. RostovtzefF, History of the Ancient World (Oxford 1927), Vol. 1, p. 287.

36. George Thompson, Studies in Ancient Greek Society. The Prehistoric Aegean (London 1948).

37. Homer, Odyssey, XI, 489. Hesiod, Works and Days, 376, 405.

38. Gustave Glotz, Histoire grecque (Paris 1938), Vol. I, p. 368.

39. L. Beauchet, Histoire du droit prive de la republique athenienne (Paris 1897), Vol. I, pp. 398fF., Vol. Ill, pp. 465#.

39a. Ugo Enrico Paoli, Die Frau im alten Hellas (Bern 1955), p. 73.

39b. Sir Arthur Pickard — Cambridge, The Dramatic Festivals of Athens (Oxford 1953), PP — 268–270.

40. Plato, Republic, Book V.

41. Plato, Laws, Book VIII.

42. Aristotle, Natural History, IX, 1. Politics, I, 2.

43. Erik Nordenskiold, The History of Biology (New York 1928), pp. 41–43.

44. Plutarch, Pericles, 24.

45. O. Navarra, ‘Meretrices’ in the Dictionnaire des Antiquites grecques et romaines, ed. Ch. Daremberg and Edm. Saglio (Paris 1904), Vol. Ill, pp. 1823–1938.

46. Strabo, VIII, 6, 20.

47. Plato, Symposium, XVI.

48. Ulrich von Wilamowitz — Moellendorf, Platon (Berlin 1919), Vol. I, 44, Werner Jaeger, Paideia (New York 1945), Vol. Ill: The Conflict of Cultural Ideals in the Age of Plato.

49. Hans Neumann, Sittenspiegel (Salzburg 1952), p. 57.

50. Cicero, De Inventione, I, 24, 55.

51. Ettore Pais, Histoire romaine des origines a Vachevement de la conquete (Paris, 1940), pp. 86ff.

52. Ludwig Friedlander, Darstellungen am der Sittengeschichte Roms (10th Ed., Leipzig 1921–1926), Vol. I, pp. 267ft.

53. Plutarch, Cato min.t 25.

54. Justinian, Institutions, de adoptione I, Tit. XI, para. 9.

55. Publius Ovidius Naso, Amores, 4th Elegy.

56. Martin Schanz, Geschichte der romischen Literatur (4th ed., Miinchen 1935), 2nd part, pp. 207.

57. Oscar Forel, Vaccord des sexes (Paris 1953), p. 274.

58. Tacitus, Annales, XV, 44.

59. Marcel Simon, Les premiers chritiens (Paris 1952), p. 19.

60. St. Matthew 19: 3 — 12.

61. Mischna, Gittin, IX, 10.

62. Ettore Pais, Histoire Romaine, p. 81. — Pauly’s Real — Enzyklopadie der classis — chen Alter tumswissenschajt, Art. ‘Matrimonium’ (Stuttgart 1930), 28th half vol., pp. 2270, 2271.

63. St. Mark 10:11.

64. St. Luke 16:1.

65. I Corinthians 7:10, 11.

66. Declaration by the Archbishop of Canterbury, 11 December 1954.

67. James Hastings, A Dictionary of the Bible, Art. Marriage 9 (Edinburgh 1900), Vol. III, pp. 292E

68. Ephesians, 5: 22–24.

69. St. Matthew 21:32.

70. Gospel according to St. Luke 7: 37.

71. R. P. Sanson, Marie — Madeleine, celle qui a beaucoup aimi (Paris 1934), pp. 74, 84.

72. I Corinthians 7:1.

73. Adolf von Hamack, Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte (5 th ed., Tubingen 1931), Vol. Ill, p. 262.

74. Adolf von Hamack, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 12.

75. Eugene Albertini, VEmpire Romain (Paris 1936), p. 36.

76. Koran, Sura IV, 15.

77. Koran, Sura XXIV, 13.

78. Koran, Sura XXIV, 4.

79. Koran, Sura IV, 34.

80. Koran, Sura VI, 152.

81. Arthur Jeffery, ‘Family Life in Islam’ in The Family: Its Function and Destiny, ed. Ruth Nanda Anshen (New York 1949), p. 48.

82. Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall, The Meaning of the Glorious Koran (New York 1954), pp. 405–406.

83. Koran, Sura IV, 3.

84. Koran, Sura IV, 171; Sura V, 73.

85. J. Oestrup, ‘Alf laila wa — laila’ in M.Th. Houtsma and others, Encyclopidie de VIslam (Leiden — Paris 1913) Vol. I, pp. 255–259.

86. Les mille et une nuits, contes arabes, 12 vols. (Paris 1704–1717).

87. Der duftende Garten des Scheich Netzaui: Neuman, Sittenspiegel (Salzburg, 1952). p — 30.

88. I Timothy 3: 1–5.

89. Abelard und Heloise, Briefwechsel (Leipzig, n.d.), p. 78.

90. ibid., p. 100.

91. ibid., p. 118.

92. Oscar Forel, L’Accord des Sexes (Paris 1953) pp. 87–88.

93. O. Cartellieri, La Cour des dues de Bourgogne (Paris 1946).

94. Henry Charles Lea, History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages (New York 1888), Vol. Ill, pp. 492–549. — W. G. Soldan and U. Heppo, Geschichte der Hexenprozesse (3rd ed., Stuttgart 1912), 2 vols.

95. Heinrich Edw. Jacob, SechtausendJahre Brot (Hamburg 1954), p. 152.

96. Augustin Fleche, L’Europe Occidentale de 888 a 1125 (Paris 1930), p. 649.

97. Joseph Bedier, Alfred Jeauroy and F. Picaret, ‘Histoire des Lettres’ in G. Hanotaux’, Histoire de la Nation Frangaise, Vol. XII (Paris 1952), p. 136.

98. Marcelin Defoumeaux, La vie quotidienne au temps de Jeanne d'Arc (Paris 1952), p. 136.

99. Robert BrifFault, The Mothers (London 1927), Vol. HI, p. 216.

100. George F. Fort, History of Medical Economy during the Middle Ages (1883), pp. 336–347. — Victor Robinson, The Story of Medicine (New York 1943), pp. 213–215.

101. Le Livre du chevalier de la Tour Landry pour V enseignement de ses files (late fourteenth century, reissued by A. Montaignon, Paris 1854).

102. P. G. Dublin, La vie de VAretin (Paris 1937), p. 46.

103. Ulrich Thieme and Fred P. Willis, Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Kunstler (Leipzig 1921), Vol. XTV, pp. 215–219.

104. Les Sonnets luxurieux de Me. Pierre Aretin traduits en frangais et illustres d'apres les compositions de Jules Romain (Paris 1947).

105. Vesalius, De humani corporis fabrica libri septem (Basle 1543).

106. Manni, Istoria del Decamerone (Florence 1742).

107. Arturo Castiglione, Storia della Medicina (Verona 1948), Vol. I, pp. 396–397’

108. Ivan Bloch, Der Ursprung der Syphilis (Jena 1911).

109. Karl SudhofF, Der Ursprung der Syphilis (Leipzig 1913).

110. Earliest Printed Literature on Syphilis, ed. Karl SudhofF. Monumenta medica, Vol. HI (Florence 1925).

111. Victor Robinson, The Story of Medicine (New York 1943), p. 274.

112. Ovid, Metamorphoses, VI, 145–312.

113. Philipp Melanchthon, Loci communes rerum theologicarum (1521).

114. H. Hauser and A. Renaudet, Les debuts de I’Age moderne (Paris 1946), P — 363.

115. Ernest Lavisse and Alfred Rambaud, Les guerres de Religion (2nd ed., Paris 1905), p. 17.

116. Andr6 Michel, Histoire de VArt (Paris 1913), Vol. V, part 2, pp. 5i3ff.

117. Marcel Brion, Michel — Ange (Paris 1939), p. 324.

118. A. Farinelli, Don Giovanni. Note critiche (Turin 1896).

119. Memoires de Messire Pierre de Bourdeille, seigneur de Brantome, contenant les vies des dames illustres de Frange de son temps (Leiden 1665).

120. Brantome, Vies des dames galantes. Discours premier sur les dames qui font Vamour et leurs maris corns, ed. Rene — Louis Doyon (Paris n.d.) pp. 157–168.

121. Rene Descartes, Les traites de Vhomme et de la formation du foetus (Amsterdam 1680).

122. Emilie Guyenot, Les sciences de la vie aux XVII. et XVIII. siecles (Paris, 1941), p. 212.

123. Marcello Malpighi, De formatione pulli in ovo (1669).

124. R. de Graaf, De mulierum organis generationi interventibus tractatus novus (1672).

125. Observations D. Anthonii Lewenhoeck de natis e semine genitali animalculis. Royal Society, Philos. Transactions, No. 143 (London 1678).

126. Louis Gallien, La sexualite (Paris 1951), p. 15.

127. Victor Robinson, The Story of Medicine (New York 1943), pp. 307–308.

128. N. Brian Chaninov, Histoire de la Russie (Paris 1948), p. 243.

129. Edmond Rossier, Profits de Reines (Lausanne n.d.) pp. 166–167.

130. Robert Pignarre, Histoire du Theatre (Paris 1946), p. 27.

131. Franz Habock, Die Kastraten und ihre Gesangskunst (Berlin — Leipzig 1927), pp. 481–482.

132. Georg August Griesinger, Biographische Notizen iiber Joseph Haydn (Leipzig 1810; re — issued by Franz Grasberger, Vienna 1954), p. 10.

133. Joseph Gregor, Kulturgeschichte des Balletts (Vienna 1944), p. 201.

134. Memoires completes et authentiques du due de Saint — Simon, ed. M. Chebruel (Paris 1878), Vol. Xni, p. 59.

135. G. Rattray Taylor, Sex in History (London 1953) p. 189.

136. Chronologie de la Regence et du Regne de Louis XV (1718–1765) ou Journal de Barbier, avocat au Parlement de Paris (Paris 1885, 1st series, p. 468.

137. Roland Mousmer et Ernest Labrouse, Le XVIII siecle (Histoire Generate des Civilisations, Paris 1953), pp. 165–166.

138. J. Lucas — Dubreton, Le Don Juan de Venise Casanova (Paris 1955), p. 121.

139. John Langdon — Davies, A Short History of Woman (London 1938), p. 228.

140. Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus, 935–936.

141. Victor Margueritte, Jean — Jacques et Vamour (Paris 1926), p. 252.

142. Bulletin de la Societe de Medicine, XIX, 2–3 (Paris, April 1925). Jean Guehenno, Jean Jacques (Paris, 1948), Vol. 1, pp. 249 and 319–322.

143. Pierre de Vaissi&re, Lettres d’ aristocrates. La Revolution racontee par des correspondances privies (Paris 1907), p. 166

144. Jules Bertaut, Les Parisiens sous la Revolution (Paris 1953), pp. 229–230.

145. Jean Robiquet, La vie quotidienne au temps de la Revolution (Paris 1950), p. 75146. August von Kotzebue, Meine Flucht nach Paris im Winter 1790. Ausgewahlte prosaische Schriften (Vienna 1824), Vol. IX.

147. Jules Bertuat, Madame Tallien (Paris 1954), p. 44.

148. Henri D’Almeras, Le Marquis de Sade — I’homme et Vecrivain (Paris 1906), p. 222.

149. Jean Robiquet, La vie quotidienne au temps de Napoleon (Paris 1954), pp. 224–235.

150. Raoul Auemheimer, Mettemich — Staatsmann und Kavalier (Vienna 1947), pp. 154 — 155151. Viktor Bibl, Metternich (4th ed., Leipzig and Vienna 1941), pp. 145–146.

152. Josef Schrank, Die Prostitution in Wien in historischer, administrativer und hygienischer Beziehung (Vienna 1886), Vol. 1, p. 242.

153. D. Melzner, Findlinge (Leipzig 1846).

154. Maurice Paleologue, Talleyrand, Metternich, Chateaubriand (Paris 1925).

155. Johann Peter Eckermann, Gesprdche mit Goethe (2 April 1829).

156. Stendhal, De Vamour (Paris 1822).

157. George Sand, Lelia (Paris 1833), Vol. II, pp. 25–28.

158. Andre Maurois, Lelia ou la vie de George Sand (Paris 1952), p. 176.

159. Hans Ostwald, Kultur — und Sittengeschichte Berlins (2nd ed., Berlin n.d.), p. 197.

160. Heinrich Ed. Jacob, Johann Strauss, Vater und Sohn (Hamburg 1953), p. 25.

161. Ant. J. Gross — HofFinger, Die Schicksale der Frau und die Prostitution (Leipzig, 1847), pp. 136 — 143162. Ostwald, Kultur — und Sittengeschichte Berlins, p. 618.

163. S. E. Turner, A History of Courtesy (London 1954), pp. 164–166.

164. G. Rattray Taylor, Sex in History (London 1953), p. 216.

165. Pisanus Fraxi, Index Librorum Prohibitorum (London 1877).

166. R. S. Reade, Registrum Librorum Eroticorum (London 1936).

167. Simone — Andre Maurois, Miss Howard (Paris 1956).

168. Octave Aubry, Napoleon III (Paris 1929), p. 173.

169. Paul Gueriot, Napoleon III (Paris 1933), Vol. I, p. 200.

170. Gustave Lanson, Histoire de la Litterature frangaise (nth ed., Paris 1909), p. 1070.

171. Alexander Dumas fils, ‘Le Demi — Monde’, preface, in Theatre (Paris 1909), Vol. II, pp. 12–14.

172. Emile de Senne, Madame de Paiva, etude de psychologie et d’histoire (Paris 1911). Frederic Loliee, La Paiva (Paris 1920).

173. Victor Champier, ‘L’Hotel Paiva’. Extrait de la Revue des Arts Dicoratifs (Bordeaux 1902).

174. An Essay on the Principle of Population (London 1798).

175. Thomas Robert Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population; or a View of its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness (London 1803), p. 505.

176. Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften (3rd ed., Jena 1908), Vol. Ill, pp. 602–604.

177. Frank H. Hankins, ‘Birth Control’ in Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences (New York 1948), Vol. I, pp. 559 — 5^5’

178. Charles Knowlton, The Fruits of Philosophy, or the Private Companion of Young Married People (first published anonymously, New York 1832; Boston 1833).

179. E.g., into German as Elemente der Gesellschaftswissenschaft (1872).

180. Francis Galton, Hereditary genius, its law and consequences (1869).

181. Gustav Schmoller, ‘Einige Bemerkungen liber die zunehmende Ver — schuldung des deutschen Grundbesitzes und die Moglichkeit, ilir entge — genzuwirken’. Landwirschaftliche Jahrbilcher (Berlin 1882), Vol. XI, p. 622.

182. Richard Lewinsohn, ‘Die Stellung der deutschen Sozialdemokratie zur Bevolkerungsfrage.’ Jahrhuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Rechtspfiege (Berlin 1922), 46Jahrg., Heft 3/4.

183. Alfred Grotjahn, Soziale Pathologie (Berlin 1923), p. 490.

184. C. Capellmann, Fakultative Sterilitat ohne Verletzung des Sittengesetzes (14th thousand, Aachen 1897).

185. Koenig, ‘Periodes et fertilite’. Revue medicale de la Suisse romande. 42 Jahrg. (1944), No. 2.

186. Anton J. Carlson and Victor Johnson, The Machinery of the Body (4th ed., Chicago 1953), pp. 548–549.

187. London, La solution du probletne de la population et la subsistance (Paris 1842).

188. Weinhold, Von der Vbervdlkerung in Mitteleuropa und deren Folgen auf die Staaten und ihre Zivilisation (Halle 1827), pp. 32ff.

189. Gabriel Fallopius, De morbo gallico liber absolutissimus, Cap. 69: De preservation e carie gallica (1564).

190. Alfred Grotjahn, Geburtenruckgang und Geburtenregelung im Lichte der individuellen und sozialen Hygiene (Berlin 1914).

191. Die Wochen — Presse (Vienna 1955), 10 Jahrg., No. 35ff. There are a number of other versions of the affair.

192. R. von KrafFt — Ebing, Psychopathia sexualis (1886; 12th ed., Stuttgart 1902).

193. Sacher — Masoch, Die Messalinen Wiens. Geschichten aus derguten Gesellschaft (Leipzig 1873), pp. 126ff.

194. Carl Felix Schlichtegroll, Sacher — Masoch utid der Masochismus (Dresden 1901), p. 114.

195. Antoine Adam, Verlaine, Vhomme et Voeuvre (Paris 1953), p. 24.

196. Holbrook Jackson, The Eighteen Nineties (Penguin Books, 1939), p. 72.

197. Vyvian Holland, Son of Oscar Wilde (London 1955).

198. Maximilian Harden, ‘Fiirst Eulenburg’, in Prozesse, Kopfe, Dritter Teil (Berlin 1913), pp. 182–183.

199. Jacques Chastenet, La Belle ?poque (Paris 1951), p. 51.

200. A. Blaschke, ‘Verbreitung der Geschlechtskrankheiten’, Vortragsbericht, Medizinische Reform, 1910, Nos. 4 and 5.

200a. Helene Bettelheim — Gabillon, Die genialen Syphilitiker (Berlin 1926).

201. Sir Alexander Fleming, Penicillin. Its Practical Application (London 1946).

202. Archiv des Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamtes (Berlin 1905), Vol. 22, p. 527.

203. Erwin Marcusson, Sozialhygiene (Leipzig 1954), p. 169.

204. Sigmund Freud, ‘Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie’, in Gesammelte Schriften (Leipzig — Vienna — Ziirich 1924), Vol. V, p. 65.

205. Sigmund Freud, ‘Der Untergang des Oedipuskomplexes’ (1924), Gesammelte Schriften Vol. V, p. 429

206. Sigmund Freud, ‘Vorlesungen zur Einfuhrung in die Psychoanalyse’ (1916 — 17). Gesammelte Schriften, Vol. VII, p. 14.

207. Alfred Adler, Ueber den nervdsen Charakter (Wiesbaden 1912), p. 55.

208. Sigmund Freud, ‘Jenseits des Lustprinzips’ Gesammelte Schriften, Vol. VI, p. 245.

209. Peter R. Hofstatter, Einfuhrung in die Tiefenpsychologie (Vienna 1948), p. 8.

210. W. Weygandt und H. W. Gruhle, Lehrbuch der Nerven — und Geisteskrank — heiten (2nd ed., Hall a.d.S. 1952).

211. Friedrich Engels, Der Ur sprung der Familie, des Privateigentums und des Staates (1884; 5th ed., Berlin 1952), pp. 81–82.

212. Richard Lewinsohn, ‘Frauenkrankheiten und Gebartatigkeit’ in A. Grotjahn, Soziale Pathologie (3rd ed., Berlin 1923), pp. 188–189.

212a. Le Monde (Paris), 16th May 1956.

213. ‘Praxis’, Revue Suisse de medicine, 1952, No. 47.

214. Paul Guilly, VAge critique (Paris 1953), p. 6.

215. S. Topfer, ‘Mannliche Sexualhormone in der Frauenheilkunde’, Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift (1955), 105 Jahrg., Nos. 38–39.

216. Eugen Steinach, Verjiingung durch experimented Neubelebung der alternden Pubertatsdriisen (Berlin 1920).

217. Sigmund Freud, Gesammelte Schriften, Vol. V, pp. 90–91.

218. Alfred C. Kinsey and others, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (Philadelphia 1948); Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (Philadelphia 1953).

219. K. B. Davis, Factors in the Sex Life of 2200 Women (New York 1929).

220. C. Landis, A. T. Landis and M. M. Bolles, Sex in Development (New York 1950).

221. L. M. Terman, Psychological Factors in Marital Happiness (New York 1938), p. 321.

222. Zeitschrift des Kgl. Sachsischen Landesamts. 59 Jahrg. (1914), p. 173.

223. E. S. Turner, A History of Courting (London 1954), p. 262.

224. Statistical Abstract of the United States 1954 (Washington 1954), pp. 61, 63, 84.

225. United Nations, Demographic Yearbook 1953 (New York), pp. 273–283.

226. Ludwig von Friedeburg, ‘Die Umfrage in der Intimsphare.’ Beitrage zur Sexualforschung 1953, Heft 4. L. R. England, ‘Little Kinsey, an Outline of Sex Attitude in Britain/ Public Opinion Quarterly 1949, No. 13. Helmut Schelsky, Soziologie der Sexualitat (Hamburg 1955), pp. 54–55.

227. Code civil, Art. 312.

228. Bertrand Russell, Marriage and Morals (London 1929).

229. Ben B. Lindsey and Wainwright Evans, The Companionate Marriage (New York 1927).

230. Leon Blum, Du Manage (Paris 1907).

231. A. M. Talvas, ‘Le reclassement des victimes de la prostitution’, Revue de VAction Populaire (Paris), January 1956.